Friday, February 28, 2020

Blog Week VIII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blog Week VIII - Essay Example The activities which involve work on home-made handcrafts or vehicle mechanicals may expose the family members to the hazards. The effect of occupational toxicant can be transferred by breathing in the air exhaled by an affected person. If a worker inhales the toxic air due to the chemicals used at the workplace, it could be dangerous to the family members of the worker. This poses a danger to the members of the family as some of the occupational toxicant effects are easily transferred through breathing. Once the chemical substances are inhaled, if not exhaled, are deposited in the respiratory tract. If they deposited in the respiratory tract, they can damage the tissues of the tract and even diffuse in the body. This in turn causes health hazards that can easily result to death of an individual (Lincoln, 2002). The ill effects also can be transferred to other individuals by a worker. This is possible through ingestion. If the worker handles food without properly cleaning hands, the food is eaten and if the toxic substances in the food are soluble, a condition that is generally the case, it is fully absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract lining. They are transported along with blood to other parts of the body and they end up causing damage to the body (Lincoln,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Larger Slice of the Value for Stakeholders Essay

A Larger Slice of the Value for Stakeholders - Essay Example The role of stakeholders is an important one here as they are trying their best to get the best deal out of the equation. What this suggests is that these stakeholders are persistently looking after the best possible returns and thus the value added fund should provide its best shot within the dynamics of a changing economic basis of the organization. The stakeholders are the saviors of a business and it goes without saying that their role is pertinent to the overall smooth running of the business. If they do not receive the benefits in the wake of the value-added fund and that too in good numbers, their work would not be given the attention that it deserves and hence their role would come down a bit. These are very significant pointers on the part of the stakeholders who are looking to bringing out the best within the resources of the organization and thus giving their best in terms of investments. The expectations of the stakeholders increase drastically and it would be correct to state that managing their expectations at times is a cumbersome process, and more so when the organizations are facing troubled times (Smith 1978). However, when these organizations are doing well within their financial realms, these stakeholders step up the gas and demand their share in a magnanimous way. Therefore expecting that they will be asking f or a reasonable sum is a mistake because every stakeholder likes to get his best return or the value that he is looking forward to. Mature product markets ask for resilience and doing the same thing on a consistent basis. If a market is not mature yet and is still lingering within the growth stage, it would be correct to state that the stakeholders exactly know what to ask of them in the value-added funds that the company is overseeing, and which has played its role in a huge capacity.Â