Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Respect - 730 Words

One of the keys to building or tearing down ego is respect. The communication of respect or the failure to communicate respect can greatly affect self esteem. Oftentimes it can take a lifetime of investment to communicate love, respect, and admiration. Self doubt and poor self-esteem can often erode the efforts of a friend or mentor to encourage and support. Oftentimes, though, building and destroying self-esteem can take place in a very short time. The ego buster and the ego booster in my life are one in the same person. Even more, the busting and boosting took place in the same conversation. I had a close relationship with a teacher in high school. Throughout my years there, this teacher encouraged me to work hard academically. He†¦show more content†¦I responded, â€Å"I like take-home exams.† In retrospect, I wish I had given the answer more though. The teacher had just said how valuable my opinion was in front of the entire class, and I could only must this brief phrase. In my defense, he did catch me off guard. I remember his response equally well. Without a single word, he said, â€Å"Hmpf.† It was obvious that my answer had not been neither as insightful not as informative as he had hoped. In that one exhale of air, he expressed his frustration, annoyance, and disappointment with my unreasoned and lack-luster response. In the space of a few seconds, the ego booster became the ego buster, and I left feeling quite small, regretting my pitiful response. Since that time, I have thought back on that moment many times. I have wished that I had said something different. I have wished that I’d thought a little bit more about the question. I could have expounded upon the benefits of a take-home exam. I could have explained how take-home exams allow more time for detailed research and thorough response, while in-class exams are often rushed and filled with pressure. I could have argued that in-class exams are less about measuring knowledge and more an exercise in memorization. I have run through the details many times. Perhaps it says something about me that I could be so greatlyShow MoreRelatedWhat Respect Is The Word Respect?1113 Words   |  5 Pages When talking about the word respect, numerous individuals have no clue what it implies. This word changes its meaning depending on who is inquired. Several people, even ones who comprehend what respect implies, still have no respect for anyone else. A two-way streak that everyone appears to overlook is respect. The word respect has a one-sided meaning to it, as an consequence of all the disrespect around the world. Respect has different opinions, gone through history, and help shape famous quotesRead More Respect Essay568 Words   |  3 PagesRespect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. 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